To fully process the deletion: after receiving your email, we will send you a personal message on our site/forums to confirm the deletion and you will need to respond to it before the deadline expires.
We will only be processing deletion requests based on this template sent to We can only honour deletion requests sent from the email attached to your account.
In order to streamline the process you may only request to have all of your files deleted (all or nothing).
Requests received until that date will be processed even after the deadline has expired.
Until 5 August 2021 (10:00 AM BST), you may request all of your files to be deleted permanently from our services.
Here’s an overview of the deletion requesting process: The deleted files will no longer be served by us in any way, shape, or form, including via the API/collections. This is why with this news post and with an accompanying email being sent out to all mod authors on our site (which should go out in the next few days), we’re letting you know that over the next 30 days you can now request all of your files currently hosted on Nexus Mods to be deleted by sending an email to Once you have formalised the request, we will delete all of your files the same way we would have before implementing the file archiving change - no questions asked.