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Bullet penetration for most non-snipers!!.As a result, shotgun pellet damage has been nerfed down to the 20s since dealing 65 damage for all 8 pellets is far too much but overall does more damage if all land on target. Shotguns now do damage per pellet instead of dealing full damage as long as one pellet hits (Thanks to LazyOzzy).Mag capacities were made consistent so mags like the AR Quadstack Mag will set ammo to 60 for all guns that can accept it.Damage adjustments are now only changed via things that change the actual length of the barrel (HK21 handguard, actual barrel mods, etc.) Muzzle brakes, handguards and everything else no longer magically alter damage (because that's just stupid).All bullet weapons now have damage drop-off.Report errors to me (steam_id/qt_314) if there are any Download the contents as a zip and extract into your Payday 2 directory.Nab Wilko's "BLT" LUA Hook if you haven't from here:.UnknownCheats as a whole Bug the shit out of me, and tell me what I forgot to credit/I miscredited you for.I HIGHLY recommend you NOT try this mod until after reaching level 85-ish (when the grind really starts) for the first time, this batch of scripts changes the whole dynamic on how to build weapons, more than likely making your current builds non-optimal or flat-out obsolete.

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For example something like a 9mm pistol will perform extremely poorly against a sniper perched way on the other side of the map because even if you do manage to hit them, you`ll be dealing only around 20-30% of your normal damage.

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It also puts weapon classes in their place as all bullet weapons now have damage drop-off.

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You should be perfectly capable running the base gun. The point of this mod is to fully overhaul the weapons in PD2 in a semi-realistic approach and made it so you don't have to worry too much about making an eldritch abomination of a gun. This mod is NOT meant to make the game easier (or at least not a whole lot easier) but if you're against any form of gameplay changing mods then you'll probably want to avoid this. This mod is unlikely to break your save but better safe than sorry now, huh? WARNING ABOVE Despite being out of pre-release, I'm still changing things left right and center, don't get too used to thingsĪlso don't blame me if OVK or other players get on your case, use this mod in pubs at your own risk.

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